Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Last sunny day for the week...

Today I decided to have an informal day, so I wore my KU T-shirt to school with shorts and slippers. The weather forecast said it might rain, so I decided on slippers.

Super love the shirt so had to take photos with it. And Woodang Hall, in the background! Woooooodang!

Anyway it was a bright sunshiney day, so we had to take a photo before it rains the next day... Actually as I type this, it's already raining...

Victoria convinced me to get an ice cream waffle on our way back. She actually wanted to wait for the bus, but will only walk back if she gets the waffle and I get it to, so.... we got yogurt ice cream waffle for 1,800won! Delicious stuff!
Can't really see the full waffle because when I got it, I started nomming, and forgot to take a photo. Though, it's not really that impressive coz it's just crispy waffle with frozen yogurt in between. YUM!

Anyway, I promised Deborah I'd write about laundry so here it is...
Actually because I've been living in hostel for the past two years, laundry isn't an issue for me anymore. Staying in hostel, sometimes they have free laundry, but more often, they only have coin automated washing machines and dryers.

I normally do laundry once every week, but nowadays I do it once every 5 days or so. Basically, you should accumulate enough laundry to make your money worth it.
Alternatively, you may choose to handwash your undergarments so you won't run out of it. Just scrub, and hang it somewhere. Though, it might get awkward when you have a roommate. But it won't be a problem if you roommate doesn't mind (:

For Frontier House,
There are washers and dryers. Actually, most hostels will have dryers coz there won't be place for you to hang, and it's not safe. Like, people might just steal them. So just trust me and use the dryers ok?

Washing machine costs 1,000 won per use.
Dryer cost another 1,000 won per use.

They actually have machine dispensers which dispense small packets of laundry detergent, for 500won each. But we didn't realize it at first and bought our own detergent. In any case, just check first ba. Not all hostels have such dispensers.

The trick to using shared washing facilities is that, there will be cases of high demands where there are not enough machines. So! Always remember to come down on time to collect your wash once it's done, then transfer it immediately to the next unoccupied dryer, and then again, be on time! Come down a minute early if possible!


So that's about it for laundry. If there is anything else you need to know, feel free to leave a comment!

Anyway I have a test tomorrow so gotta study~

Thanks for reading and 사랑해요!

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