Wednesday, August 1, 2012

I see a star! *_*

I woke up on time today! And was relieved coz my migraine after-effects were gone and I feel like a new person. (:

Prof Oishi (social psychology) is back! I actually really enjoy his lessons, even though I fall asleep occasionally. Maybe coz I've always been interested in social psychology... Hmm! Got my second test back and managed to get only 1 wrong! I am super relieved!

Today's lesson was about cognitive dissonance, a really tough topic to explain here.

But anyways, Shireen was using her blackberry to try to check marks for developmental psych, but her phone didn't work (oooh, someone's phone is kinda lousy...) so we checked using my phone instead. We all were really happy with our scores and did a tiny high-5 because we didn't need to take our final exams! (only the highest 3 scores from 4 tests will be used for marks computation, and since we already got good scores, there was no need for the 4th test...)

But we went for today's developmental psych lesson though. I wasn't really listening much, kinda thinking about other things. Time seemed the pass pretty slowly.

Today I went to the store to buy the Korean Grammar (Intermediate) book. Although I know I only need the current Beginner book for TOPIK. Still, want to learn ahead. I have yet to finish the Ewha text, though. ):

Media class was interesting, yet confusing at the same time. Prof. talked about gaming for a little while, while we waited for our guest speaker to arrive. Our guest speaker was...
Do you recognize her? Actually, I don't think many of us did. She is an actress, who is now doing graduate studies with KU! Her name is... Lee Se-Eun (이세은) and she actually appeared in the drama DaChangJin (sorry, a little lazy to switch to type in Chinese). Not a main character, but yes, she did appear.

She let us kinda ask her questions, and she talked to us about media in Korea as well. It was awkward, because she doesn't speak in English, and those who were fluent enough weren't really translating it fully for us. So a lot of us were just sitting there, pretending to understand what was going on.

Prof. stepped in after some time, after he finished snapping photos of her, to translate properly for us. Nobody, apart from those who were fluent in Korean, asked her questions... So I mean, it was a good experience meeting her, and learning from her through Prof's translations... But it was kinda awkward... ):

After the lesson we went to take a photo with her.
And yea, she's really pretty! *_*

We also got her autograph, but I didn't take a photo of it...

After which, Victoria rushed off to take her shuttle bus back to CJ. Well, Victoria~ The VERY Waffle (shop) was open today, and you missed a great opportunity to get a delicious waffle! =P
I got myself a Yogurt waffle ^.^ They put a lot of yogurt ice cream in it today, so it was nice having to eat it! Yumz!

Well, I came back and studied Korean again! Almost finishing the grammar book already! I tried to do TOPIK paper today. Although most questions were answerable, there were a few that got me majorly stuck! >.< Luckily I had 승익 오빠's help, otherwise I would be so frustrated, and would have forgotten to blog.

Gosh, I should really do more practice papers to brush up!!!!!

Overall, today was pretty normal. Apart from being able to meet an actress for real ^_^

Initially wanted to Skype back during MC intro for Science Orientation Week back at home, but the plan fell through and I didn't manage to ):
To the MCs: Y'all arh... Pangseh me! ):

But even when things are not going the way you want them to, always remember to keep smiling. Thus, a smile for you!
Along with a fishie pancake snack that Shireen gave me in the morning, and totally made me day feel better ^_^ I haven't eaten it yet! Too cute~

And today's special mention goes to... -drumroll- YingHui~!!
Whom I met on the slopes while getting my night 바나나맛 우유 from GS25, and she said, '...I read you blog!'

We have an awesome reader here yo~!! Hi, Yinghui!! ^.^

And it's getting draggy, so... I'll sign off here!

Have a great great day~!!

1 comment:

  1. came to ur blog to get my pic with the star and saw ur tweet bout me. haha. thanks for the waffle today! had it for 2 consecutive days.. happy ^^

    PS: i want special mention too!!!
