Tuesday, December 6, 2011

I love my Korean Class!

Due to school exams, I could not attend my lessons at their supposed timing, so I was scheduled to attend make up classes with another class and teacher.

The atmosphere was so different. I attended two make up classes actually, one with my original teacher but with another group of students, and another with a different teacher and different group of students. 

I think my teacher Ms. Kim really manages to bond the class together, which is really good as compared to the other teacher. Though generally, my class was lively and more responsive as compared to the other two...

In any case, we have finished unit 3 which is about ordering at a restaurant. Shall post the general conversations at a later time. Now, we are learning about shopping in general and referring to items at a shop or anywhere.

We are going to have our Basic 1 level exam on 13 Dec, and upon passing, can proceed to the next level which is Basic 2! Really looking forward to advancing.

25 days till I fly off to Korea for my vacation! Love it that it's going to be in mid-winter, and my coldest trip yet! Second time going to Korea, but still VERY excited about my trip. Counting down!

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